Anafiel Laitoix Donadieu

Anafiel is an easygoing, charismatic, and somewhat reckless thaumaturge hailing from Ishgard. He's a scholar who loves to learn as much as he can about people and the world around him, and will occasionally go to ridiculous lengths to prove himself due to his own insecurities. He's got the intelligence and skill as a researcher to back up his occasional flaunting - but he can also come off as a little scatterbrained.


name - Anafiel Laitoix Donadieu IIIage - 31
gender - non-binary (he/they)race - duskwight elezen
nameday - 13th sun of the 4th Astral Moonorigin - ishgard
job - alchemist/independent researcherreligion/diety - halone kinda sorta not really
current residence - gridaniaorientation - men
relationship status - ???echo - none
weapon of choice - black magic, void magicmeyers-briggs - ENTP-T (Debator)
temperament - sanguinealignment - chaotic neutral
voice claim - fane, DOS2IC Classes - BLM


height: 7'1''
weight: 225 lbs
hair: white, mid-length, straight with a slight curl
eyes: amber, reptilian pupils
build: skinny and scholarly
clothing style: prefers high quality fabrics in elegant, gothic styles. loves long coats and big hats.
injuries/scars: old traces of clawmarks on his arms and legs, currently glamoured invisible
other: has a tattoo in the form of a single black line across the middle of his face with a thinner black line across the bridge of his nose.


  • First item

  • Second item

  • Third item

Positive TraitsNegative Traits
intelligent, open-minded, ambitious, confident, easygoing, thorough, generous, protectivereckless, obsessive, power-hungry, manipulative, impulsive, possessive
Magic/arcane studies, big hats, strong wine, tea, libraries, haunted places, dark creatures, cooler weatherBeing wrong, poorly researched topics, coffee, magic guilds, rules, feeling powerless

quirks & notable details

  • He is a very animated person and can never sit completely still. He gestures a lot with his arms and expressions, and even when sitting idle tends to do things like play with his hair or juggle flame around his fingers. If talking at length about a subject, he may pace back and forth.

  • Uses magic whenever he damn well wants to, sometimes for the most mundane purposes.

  • Talks to his plants when he's alone.

  • Needs people to like him, recognize his abilities, and in general see him in a positive light or at least close to it.

  • Emotional attachment is alien territory for him - specifically, he tends to latch on emotionally a little too quickly. In a flimsy effort to prevent this, he'll hold most people at arm's length, but will keep a close network of acquaintances to use and rely on as needed. That said, if he does manage to allow someone close, they'll see an extremely overprotective side of him. He'll go overboard on gifts or grand acts to further endear himself to them.

  • Can subconsciously pull heat-aspected aether from the immediate area around him, making the temperature drop mildly or significantly depending on his emotional turmoil. Fortunately, this happens rarely and only during periods of extreme panic or stress.

  • Fears completely losing himself to his obsessions.

  • He's terrified at the idea of being completely alone in the world.

  • As much as he enjoys the power his corruption allows him, he does not want to become a mindless monster, in the end.

  • Doesn't care for anything involving restraints, being tied up, or trapped anywhere he can't escape.

  • He's not about mind control, or having his mental state altered in any way by someone who isn't himself. He fears this enough that he also refuses to do it to anyone else beyond a simple sleep spell.

  • He's guilty of the occasional use of void magic. He got a taste of its power at a young age and can stop whenever he wants.

  • He is a little dependent on sleeping draughts for his insomnia.


father alcuin riosaut donadieu
mother cliadelle lucrèce gleauvaux-donadieu
siblings riavienne lucile donadieu (deceased)

rp hooks

his main job. if your character needs basically anything related to tonics, poisons, cures, ect, they can come by his apartment in gridania during the day. He's also a good resource for rarer or more difficult to find herbs and ingredients.
voidsent aura:
if your character is aether-sensitive, well versed in magic, or a voidsent themselves, they'll definitely detect a similar type of energy coming from him. Also, if you're actually a voidsent, he will take an interest in you.
while his family isn't among the most elite members of society in Ishgard, his parents are fairly well known academic advisors in alchemy as the family trade. Anafiel followed in his footsteps and would have likely joined him on many of his classes. He doesn't find himself Ishgard often these days, but someone may recognize him during family visits.
gridania/north shroud area:
His current place of residence. If he's not on his way to other places, he's likely wandering around the markets or the Botanist's guild for herbs. In his free time, you might see him tucked in a grassy, lush corner near a river to read.